Mentoring Program

The Club’s mentoring program is designed to expand its members  woodworking skills.  Periodically projects are selected that focus on a skill. With a skilled club member acting as an instructor, each participant  undertakes the selected project.  Normally each participant will provide his or her own materials.

Mentoring has been conducted at a site outside Tellico Village, such as Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, which is a national art education center about 1 ½  hours from Tellico Village.  Offsite mentoring is generally multi- day event where participants share any facility fees and require offsite lodging (at the attendees’ expense).

Additionally we have a number of club members who share specific skills Help is also always available through the Technique & Skills Assistance program.

Mentored Skills by Year

Convex Curve CutterBanding InlayDIY table saw taper jig
Hand Made Dovetail JointsButterfly InlayDIY table saw sled
Turning Christmas OrnamentsEpoxy InlayDIY box joint jig for table saw
Turning Segmented BowlsCarving BasicsMaking Shaker boxes
Milling Rough Sawn LumberLeigh Dovetail Jig (Router Table)Using Leigh jig to cut dovetails on router table
Resawing BoardsTable Saw Miter SledRouting inlays
Mortise & Tenon JointsTable Top Veneered w/Solid Wood  Mitered BoardPocket hole joinery
Router InlaysSliding Dovetail JoineryBiscuit joinery
Scroll Saw ProjectIntarsia EagleMaking square frames and boxes)
VeneeringTenons on Table SawIntroduction to Intarsia
Unique Coasters & Cutting BoardLettering on CNCMaking specialty lathe tools
Duplicate Chair Rockers on Band SawMaking knives
Wedged Through TennonsCNC routing
Hand Cut DovetailsMaking patterns for use with flush trim bits
Box Joint Jig (From 2017 Mentoring Session)DIY table saw inserts
Decorative Bands in Glued-up TurningsRe-sawing techniques
Mortise and Tennon JoineryMortise and tenon joinery
Three Dimensional Coasters/ Cutting BoardRouter basics
Cutting Crown MoldingWoodworking tool maintenance and restoration
Turning bowl
Tool sharpening